
Monday, August 8, 2011

Gencon 2011- Sovereign Wars report

I would first like to thank everyone that played the game at Gencon this year I got a lot of good feedback on how the make the game better and a lot of ideas on where to take the game into the future. I also talked to a lot of people and the general consensus is there is a place for a game like Sovereign Wars, its nice to hear that I am not along in the gaming community in wanting a game like Sovereign Wars. Overall very positive response from everyone that participated.

Overall Gencon 2011 was a blast as usual, I got to see some of my old gaming buddies and my friends in the industry. I also made a lot of good contacts that will help the improve the future of Sovereign Wars.

That's is for now I will be posting a gallery of images from the demo games as soon as sort through my Gencon Pics. I will also be posting information about how you can get into the Sovereign Wars closed beta a little later today.