
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gencon Awaits!

As it seems to be habit around here its been a little while since we had an update. I will admit things are a bit slow as I grind through rule development as well as model development. We are making progress now things shift a bit as we prepare for Gencon 2012 which is pretty much the show to be at for developing games. Last year I ran two events to kinda see where we were with the rules this year I have decided to run six two hour hour events. That's four hours each night and each event will have up to six people participating.

In addition to the events I will be showing off the prototype models that we have finished as well as never before seen artwork including some new Rana artwork as well as some character art. I will also have the Rana as a playable race for the first time in public.

More info to come for those that are interested in the events here is a listing direct from Gencon

NMN1232467 Sovereign Wars: Year 2 Thu @ 8:00 PM

NMN1232468 Sovereign Wars: Year 2 Thu @ 10:00 PM 

NMN1232469 Sovereign Wars: Year 2 Fri @ 8:00 PM 

NMN1232470 Sovereign Wars: Year 2 Fri @ 10:00 PM 

NMN1232471 Sovereign Wars: Year 2 Sat @ 8:00 PM

NMN1232472 Sovereign Wars: Year 2 Sat @ 10:00 PM